Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Riding this roller coaster...

I guess I will keep my daily routine up here too...why not right? Hope I dont bore you too much. My last post all took place today as well.

Woke up for work LATE today, as I was chatting with someone until 5am. So, 11am I roll out of bed and drag my ass to work in this crazy freakin snow. Work, well, sucked. I spent most of it exchanging texts and e-mails with "her" and none of my appointments were fun at all. My next order of business was to return overdue books to the library. Of course, being in such a hurry and my mind being elsewhere, I forgot a book. So, I walk the 10 mins to the library carryng 29 books, and have to walk back, grab the one I forgot, trudge back through the snow, and drop it off. I was extremely unhappy and cold. I grabbed a coffee and dinner, I proceded to go print off my homework for my 6pm class. While in the lab, I had some good laughs as someone oversaw the e-mail from "her" that I was reading. Then I had to answer all the questions blah blah blah...although I do gush when I talk of her. Anyways, I grabbed a smoke, and headed to class.

Class was really enlightening. We talked about how disability services serves the campus. I had no idea so many students required special treatment. I have always believed that America is overly medicated, but maybe I am wrong.

Now, I am home and dealing with the urge to chain smoke. I promised "her" I would quit smoking so I am fighting those cravings. The irony of it all is that this situation is all that is keeping me smoking lol. Heres to life's little jokes at our expense. I am afraid I won't be able to sleep again tonight, and even more afraid of what new twists this saga will bring tomorrow.

"Into this night I wander, its morning that I dread
Another day of knowing of the path I fear to tread
Into the sea of waking dreams, I follow without pride
Cuz nothing comes between us here, and I won't be denied."


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