Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tumbling Dice

"A stroke of luck or a gift from god?
Hand of fate or devil's claws?
From below or saints above
You came to me..." - Garbage

Sometimes you just don't know. I guess thats the spice of life though right? Screw variety...its figuring out which people mean what to you. Well right now I have a doozy. Our relationship pretty much includes all types: meaningful conversation, light flirting, blowing off steam, deep discussion of how we feel about the other...we have even labeled some topics off-limits because we end up saying things we regret or make promises we are unable to keep. Now, to me this sounds like a romantic relationship in its infancy, but we have known each other for over 5 months now. She has a boyfriend, of course, which is what keeps things static. Yet, every now and again, because of stress, or alcohol or whatever, something sneaks out which melts me, and reinstills hope.

I guess I have to ride this to its probably bitter

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