Saturday, February 9, 2008


I just recieved tentative news that a...well lets just say friend, mentor and co-worker, passed away. This is hard to explain. Her name was TM, and I never met her. She was in charge of rallying a large group of people to finish playing an ARE (alternate reality experience) in support of an upcoming film. I was a player, and one of those she took into confidence. Over a period of 5 months, she and I became somewhat close. We shared similar senses of humor, and a love for cryptic language lol. Heres the catch:

I, along with a few others, might have been the last one to talk to her before she passed. The informer said she passed at 6:30am this morning, and I was laughing with her at 3:30.

My mind feels like its cracking into pieces. Words she spoke to me might be the last vestige of her existence. The power and sorrow of it all...the responsibility (whether warranted or not)...its all so immense. Was it her choice? Knowing she was fading did she choose to spend her last moments with Internet friends she had never met? We were her was her job to shepherd us along through the experience...but had we become her raison d'etre as the twilight of her life approached?

"Death is only the beginning..." I can only hope this is true...

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