Saturday, February 16, 2008

When the Wind Blows

Well lets see here. Whats been happening?

Ah...on Wednesday some interesting things happened. Knowing my present "woes" over someone, my secretary, who is on a mission to find me a wife for some reason, informed me that a co-worker of mine has recently come onto the market again. I should note that I did take notice of her when she began work in January, but never said anything. At any rate, it seems that I came up in conversaion and she referred to me as "so adorable." My interest piqued, I continued to pump her for info. but instead we ended up talking about scotch. At that exact moment, that same certain co-worker droopped in to chat, and as it turns out she likes scotch too. My secretary was thrilled, and so the idea slowly began to form in my head. I should also say here that I decided not to keep the meet on friday, basically to save her mental sanity.

Valentine's Day was quite crazy. Aside from quibbling about meeting a certain someone on friday (again), it turned out to be a good day. Even though I work from outside the office on thursdays, I thought it would be fun to stop by work before I hit up the library and drop off some V-Day sweets for the gang. While there, "adorable" co-worker came into the main office with her dog (a beautiful black lab!!) and started nibbling on the candy. The dog, sweet as can be, sauntered up to me and I started to scratch behind his ears and rub his side. I got down on my haunches to do so, but thats when his owner warned "Uh-oh! Watch out for the lab lean!" Just then, the dog shifted all his weight into my chest and I fell backward on my ass and hit my head on the desk behind me. As I was laughing and rubbing my head, the dog crawled onto my chest and started lapping my face! It was quite the sight lol. Maybe I earned some points with mom?

Yesterday was a little nuts. I was running errands all day with a friend. Had to drop 90 bucks on a new power cable for my laptop too! We went to a restaurant to have a pint or two and discuss my current situation, and I decided that in the end this crap I have been worrying about is useless. Until she decides to leave him, I want no part of a relationship with her. I won't be the cause of her emotional distress, whether its warranted or not. So, I laid down the law and told her we were just friends until she made some decisions. I broker no hope though. On a lighter note, I exchanged a few messages with my co-worker online, and she sounds like a fun person! Oh, and my Golden Eagles pounded Pitt. in college basketball!

Today has been a little lazy. I slept in late as I was up LATE updating a website and have spent the majority of the day so far on the phone with a few old friends with whom I needed to catch up with. I guess its time to get some actual work done. Maybe more later-

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